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2022. Ren, J., Santoso, K., Hyde, D., Bertozzi, A.L., Brantingham, P.J. The Pandemic did not Interrupt LA’s Violence Interrupters. Journal of Aggression, Conflict and Peace Research. in press.
2022. Brantingham, P.J., Mohler, G., MacDonald, J. Changes in Public-Police Cooperation Following the Murder of George Floyd. PNAS Nexus. 1(5):pgac189. (pdf) 125 downloads.
2022. MacDonald, J., Mohler, G., & Brantingham, P. J. (2022). Association between race, shooting hot spots, and the surge in gun violence during the COVID-19 pandemic in Philadelphia, New York and Los Angeles. Preventive Medicine. 107241. in press.
2022. Chen, X., Jiang, J.Y., Jin, K., Zhou, Y. Liu, M., Brantingham, P.J., Wang, W. ReLiable: Offline Reinforcement Learning for Tactical Strategies in Professional Basketball Games. Proceedings of the 31st ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM), 2022. (pdf)
2022. Kahmann, S., Hartman, E., Leap, J., Brantingham, P.J. Impact Evaluation of the LAPD Community Safety Partnership. Annals of Applied Statistics. 16: 1215-1235. (pdf) 248 downloads.
2022. Brantingham, P. J., Tita, G. E., Jung, S., & Ahern, J. Assessment of Case Fatality Rates and Overall Prevalence of Firearm Violence in California, 2005-2019. JAMA Network Open, 5(1), e2145442-e2145442. (pdf) 280 downloads.
2021. Flocco, D., Palmer-Toy, B., Wang, R. Zhu, H. Sonthalia, R., Lin, J. Bertozzi, A.L., Brantingham, P.J., An Analysis of COVID-19 Knowledge Graph Construction and Applications. 2021 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data), pp. 2631-2640. (pdf) 649 downloads.
2021. Lentz, T.S., Brantingham, P.J. Modeling and Measuring Place-based Differences in Crime Composition. Unpublished Working Paper. (pdf) 440 downloads.
2021. Brantingham, P.J., Carter, J., MacDonald, J., Melde, C., Mohler, G. Is the recent surge in violence in American cities due to contagion? Journal of Criminal Justice. 76: 101848. (pdf) 3525 downloads.
2021. Priniski, J.H., Mokhberian, N., Harandizadeh, B., Morstatter, F., Lerman, K., Lu, H., Brantingham, P.J., Mapping Moral Valence of Tweets Following the Killing of George Floyd. 6th International Workshop on Social Sensing (SocialSens 2021). (pdf) 545 downloads.
2021. Wang, K., Brantingham, P.J., Tambe, M. Learning Opportunistic Adversarial Model on Global Wildlife Trade. In Proc. of the 20th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2021), London, UK, May 3–7, 2021. IFAAMAS. U. Endriss, A. Nowé, F. Dignum, A. Lomuscio (eds.). (pdf) 377 downloads.
2021. Brantingham, P.J., Tita, G.E., Mohler G. Gang-related crime in Los Angeles remained stable following COVID-19 social distancing orders. Criminology & Public Policy. 20: 423– 436. (pdf) 570 downloads.
2021. Park, J.H., Schoenberg, F.P., Bertozzi, A.L., Brantingham, P.J. Investigating clustering and violence interruption in gang-related violent crime data using spatial-temporal point processes with covariates. Journal of the American Statistical Association. 116(536): 1674-1687. (pdf) 759 downloads.
2021. Brantingham, P.J., Tita, G.E., Herz, D. The Impact of the City of Los Angeles Mayor’s Office of Gang Reduction and Youth Development (GRYD) Comprehensive Strategy on Crime in the City of Los Angeles. Justice Evaluation Journal. 1-20. (pdf) 893 downloads.
2021. Brantingham, P.J., and Uchida, C.D. Public Cooperation and the Police: Do Calls-For-Service Increase After Homicides? Journal of Criminal Justice. 73, 101785. (pdf) 501 downloads.
2021. Li, H., Chen, H., Haberland, M., Bertozzi, A.L., and Brantingham, P.J. PDEs on graphs for semi-supervised learning applied to first-person activity recognition in body worn video. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems.41(9): 4351-4373. (pdf) 71 downloads.
2020. Alaverdian, M., Gilroy, W., Kirgios, V., Li, X., Matuk, C., McKenzie, D., Ruangkriengsin, T., Bertozzi, A.L., and Brantingham, P.J. Who killed Lilly Kane? A case study in applying knowledge graphs to crime fiction, IEEE BIGDATA Graph Techniques for Adversarial Activity Analytics (GTA3 4.0) pp. 2506-2512. (pdf) 556 downloads.
2020. Pandey, R., Brantingham, P.J., Uchida, C., and Mohler, G. Building knowledge graphs of homicide investigation chronologies. International Workshop on Mining and Learning in the Legal Domain (MLLD-2020) pp. 790-798 (pdf) 811 downloads.
2020. Wu, R., Yang, C., Hyde, D., Bertozzi, A.L., and Brantingham, P.J., Emotion Classification and Textual Clustering Techniques for Gang Intervention Data, IEEE BIGDATA Data Science for Smart and Connected Cities Workshop pp. 3246-3254. (pdf) 712 downloads.
2020. Wen, S., Chen, A., Bhatia, T., Liskij, N., Hyde, D., Bertozzi, A.L., and Brantingham, P.J., Analyzing Effectiveness of Gang Interventions using Koopman Operator Theory, IEEE BIGDATA Data Science for Smart and Connected Cities Workshop pp. 3237-3245. (pdf) 489 downloads.
2020. Brantingham,P.J., Yuan, B., and Herz, D. Is Gang Violent Crime More Contagious than Non-gang Violent Crime? Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 37:953–977. (pdf) 1278 downloads.
2020. Sha, H. Al Hasan, M., Mohler, G. and Brantingham, P.J. Dynamic topic modeling of the COVID-19 Twitter narrative among U.S. governors and cabinet executives. 5th International Workshop on Social Sensing (SocialSens 2020). (pdf) 1083 downloads.
2020. Mohler, G., Bertozzi, A.L., Carter, J., Short, M.B., Sledge, D., Tita, G.E., Uchida, C.D., Brantingham, P.J. Impact of social distancing during COVID-19 pandemic on crime in Los Angeles and Indianapolis. Journal of Criminal Justice. 68:101692. (pdf) 649 downloads.
2020. Cooney, S., W. Gomez, K. Wang, J. Leap, P.J. Brantingham, and M. Tambe. 2020. Mobile Game Theory with Street Gangs. P. Cellier and K. Driessens (eds). Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases . ECML PKDD 2019. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 1167. Springer, Cham (pdf) 909 downloads.
2020. Yu, S.X., K. Zhou, P.J. Brantingham, Y. Vorobeychik. Computing Equilibria in Binary Networked Public Goods Games. AAAI2020 Vol. 34. No. 02. (pdf) 581 downloads.
2019. Mohler, G., P.J. Brantingham, J. Carter, M.B. Short. Reducing bias in estimates of the law of crime concentration. Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 35:747–765 (pdf) 624 downloads.
2019. Brantingham, P.J., M. Valasik, and G.E. Tita. Competitive dominance, gang size and the directionality of gang violence. Crime Science 8(1), 7. (pdf) 794 downloads.
2019. Yuan, B., H. Li, A.L. Bertozzi, P.J. Brantingham, M.A. Porter. Spatiotemporal Hawkes Processes and Network Reconstruction. SIAM Journal on Mathematics of Data Science. 1(2): 356-382. (pdf) 685 downloads.
2018. Meng, Z., J. Sanchez, J-M. Morel, A.L. Bertozzi, P.J. Brantingham, Ego-motion Classification for Body-worn Videos. Proceedings of the 2016 Conference on Imaging, vision and learning based on optimization and PDEs, Bergen, Norway. pp. 221-239. (pdf) 641 downloads.
2018. Mohler, G., R. Raje, M. Valasik, J. Carter, and P. J. Brantingham. A penalized likelihood method for balancing accuracy and fairness in predictive policing. IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics IEEE Confernece on Systems, Man and Cybernetics(SMC2018). (pdf) 1846 downloads.
2018. Wang, B., X. Luo, F. Zhang, B. Yuan, A.L. Bertozzi, P.J. Brantingham. Graph-Based Deep Modeling and Real Time Forecasting of Sparse Spatio-Temporal Data. Workshop on Mining and Learning from Timeseries Data (MiLeTS 18). (pdf)
2018. Meyer, T.R., D. Balague, M. Camacho-Collados, H. Li, K. Khuu, P.J. Brantingham, A.L. Bertozzi. A year in Madrid as described through the analysis of geotagged Twitter data. Environment and Planning B. 46(9), 1724–1740. (pdf) 1456 downloads.
2018. Mohler, G., and P.J. Brantingham. Privacy preserving, crowd sourced crime Hawkes processes. SocialSens 2018. (pdf) 1203 downloads.
2018. Brantingham, P.J. The Logic of Data Bias and Its Impact on Place-Based Predictive Policing. Ohio State Journal of Criminal Law. 15(473):473-486. (pdf) 2850 downloads.
2018. Brantingham, P.J., M. Valasik, G.O. Mohler. Does Predictive Policing Lead to Biased Arrests? Results from a Randomized Controlled Trial. Statistics and Public Policy. 5(1):1-6. (pdf) 2022 downloads.
2018. Seo, S., H. Chan, P.J. Brantingham, J. Leap, P. Vayanos, M. Tambe and Y. Liu. Partially Generative Neural Networks for Gang Crime Classification with Partial Information. AAAI ACM Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Ethics and Society. (pdf) 1414 downloads.
2017. Mohler, G.O., M.B. Short, P.J.Brantingham. The Concentration Dyanmics Tradeoff in Crime Hotspotting. In Unraveling the Crime-Place Connection: New Directions in Theory and Policy, edited by David Weisburd and John Eck, pp. 27-48.
2017. Kuang, D., P.J. Brantingham, A.L. Bertozzi. Crime Topic Modeling. Crime Science. 6(12):1-20 (pdf) 1638 downloads.
2017. Brantingham, P.J., N. Sundback, B. Yuan, K. Chan. GRYD Intervention Incident Response & Gang Crime: 2017 Evaluation Report. (pdf) 3578 downloads.
2017. Madsen, David B., Charles Perreault, David Rhode, Yongjuan Sun, Mingjie Yi, Katherine Brunson, and P. Jeffrey Brantingham. Early foraging settlement of the Tibetan Plateau highlands. Archaeological Research in Asia in press. (pdf) 2556 downloads.
2016. Brantingham, P.J. Crime Diversity. Criminology. 54:553-586. (pdf) 4317 downloads.
2016. Lai, E., D. Moyer, B. Yuan, E. Fox, B. Hunter, A.L. Bertozzi, and P.J. Brantingham, Topic Time Series Analysis of Microblogs, IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics 81(3):409-431. (pdf) 2557 downloads.
2016. Perreault C., M.T. Boulanger, A.M. Hudson, D. Rhode, D.B. Madsen, J.W. Olsen, M.L. Steffen, J. Quade, M.D. Glascock, and P.J. Brantingham. Characterization of obsidian from the Tibetan Plateau by XRF and NAA. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 5:392-9. (pdf) 2521 downloads.
2015. Mohler, G.O., M.B. Short, S. Malinowski, M. Johnson, G.E. Tita, A.L. Bertozzi, and P.J Brantingham. Randomized controlled field trials of predictive policing. Journal of the American Statistical Association 110(512): 399-1411. (pdf) 3956 downloads.
2014. Zhang, C., A.X. Jiang, M.B. Short, P.J. Brantingham, and M. Tambe. Defending against opportunistic criminals: New game-theoretic frameworks and algorithms. In GameSec: Lecture Notes in Computer Science: Springer. (pdf) 1780 downloads.
2014. Woodworth,J.T., G.O. Mohler, A.L. Bertozzi and P.J. Brantingham. Nonlocal Crime Density Estimation Incorporating Housing Information. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A, 372:20130403. (pdf) 5544 downloads.
2014. Madsen, D.B., C.G. Oviatt, Y.Zhu, P.J. Brantingham, R.G. Elston, F.H. Chen, R.L. Bettinger, and D.E. Rhode. The early appearance of Shuidonggou core-and-blade technology in north China: Implications for the spread of Anatomically Modern Humans in northeast Asia? Quaternary International. in press. (pdf) 9226 downloads.
2014. Rhode, D.E., P.J. Brantingham, C. Perreault, D.B. Madsen. Mind the Gaps: Testing for Hiatuses in Regional Radiocarbon Date Sequences. Journal of Archaeological Science 52:567-677. (pdf) 4198 downloads.
2014. Short, M.B., G.O. Mohler, P.J. Brantingham, and G.E. Tita, Gang Rivalry Dynamics Via Couple Point Process Networks. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems 19(5): 1459-1477. (pdf) 6495 downloads.
2014. Cho, Y.S., A. Galstyan, J. Brantingham, G. Tita. Latent Self-Exciting Models for Spatial-Temporal Processes for Spatio-Temporal Networks. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems 19(5): 1335-1354. (pdf) 7889 downloads.
2013. Perreault,C., P.J. Brantingham, S. Kuhn, S.Wurz , X. Gao, Measuring the Complexity of Lithic Technology. Current Anthropology 54(S8):S397-S406. (pdf) 5287 downloads.
2013. Brantingham, P.J., X. Gao, D.B. Madsen, D. Rhode, C. Perreault, J. van der Woerd and J.W. Olsen, Late Occupation of the High-Elevation Northern Tibetan Plateau based on Cosmogenic, Luminescence, and Radiocarbon Ages. Geoarchaeology 28 (5):413-431. (pdf) 6225 downloads.
2013. Brantingham, P.J., Prey Selection Among Los Angeles Car Thieves. Crime Science Journal 2:3. (pdf) 9791 downloads.
2013. Madsen, D.B., Z. P. Lai, Y.J. , Sun, D. Rhode, X.J. Liu, and P.J. Brantingham, Late Quaternary Qaidam Lake Histories and Implications for an MIS 3 "Greatest Lakes" Period in Northwest China. Journal of Paleolimnology 51(2):161-177. (pdf) 8691 downloads.
2013. McCalla, S.V., M.B. Short, and P.J. Brantingham, The Effects of Sacred Value Networks Within an Evolutionary, Adversarial Game. Journal of Statistical Physics 151(3-4):673-688. (pdf) 8047 downloads.
2013. Van Gennip, Y., B. Hunter, R. Ahn, P. Elliot, K. Luh, M. Halvorson, S. Reid, M. Valaski, J. Wo, G.E. Tita, A.L. Bertozzi, and P.J. Brantingham, Community detection using spectral clustering on sparse geosocial data. Siam Journal of Applied Mathematics (SIAP) 73:67-83. (pdf) 6803 downloads.
2012. Brantingham, P.J., G.E. Tita, M.B. Short and S. Reid, The Ecology of Gang Territorial Boundaries. Criminology 30:851-885. (pdf) 65986 downloads.
2012. Smith, L.M., A.L. Bertozzi, P.J. Brantingham, G.E. Tita, and M. Valasik, Adaptation of an Animal Territory Model to Street Gang Spatial Patterns in Los Angeles. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. 32:3223-3244. (pdf) 7455 downloads.
2012. Fonoberova, M., V.A. Fonoberov, I. Mezic, J. Mezic and P.J. Brantingham. Nonlinear Dynamics of Crime and Violence in Urban Settings.Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation 15(1)2. (html)
2011. Brantingham, P.J. and M.B. Short. “Crime Emergence.” In When Crime Appears: The Role of Emergence, edited by J.M. McGloin, C. Sullivan and L.W. Kennedy, pp. 73-95. New York: Routledge.
2011. E. Lewis, G. Mohler, P.J. Brantingham, A. Bertozzi, Self-Exciting Point Process Models of Civilian Deaths in Iraq, Security Journal 25:244-264 (pdf) 7146 downloads.
2011. Mohler, G.O., M.B. Short, P.J. Brantingham, F.P. Schoenberg, and G.E. Tita, Self-exciting point process modeling of crime. Journal of the American Statistical Association 106(493):100-108. (pdf) 19614 downloads.
2011. Perreault, C. and P.J. Brantingham. Mobility-driven Cultural Transmission. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 30:62-68. (pdf) 19907 downloads.
2011. Zhang, D.J., F.H. Chen, D.X. Ji, L.W. Barton, P.J. Brantingham, and H. Wang, The Age, Lithics and Paleoenvironmental Study of the Sumiaoyuantou Locality, Gansu Province. Acta Anthropologica Sinica 2011(3): 289-298. (in Chinese)
2011. Yi. M.J., X. Gao, X.L. Zhang, Y.J. Sun, P.J. Brantingham, D.B. Madsen, D.E. Rhode, A Preliminary Report on Investigations in 2009 of Some Prehistoric Sites in the Tibetan Plateau Marginal Region. Acta Anthropologica Sinica 2011(2): 124-136. (in Chinese)
2010. M.B. Short, P.J. Brantingham, and M.R. D'Orsogna. Cooperation and punishment in an adversarial game: How defectors pave the way to peaceful society. Physical Review E 82:66114-1-7. (pdf) 8674 downloads.
2010. Brantingham, P.J., D. Rhode, and D.B. Madsen. "Archaeology Augments Tibet's Genetic History". Science (Letters) 329: 1467-68. Correction in Vol 430. (pdf) 7972 downloads.
2010. Brantingham, P.J., and C. Perreault. Detecting the Effects of Selective and Stochastic Forces in Archaeological Assemblages. Journal of Archaeological Science 37:3211-3225. (pdf) 11497 downloads.
2010. Short, M.B., A.L. Bertozzi, and P.J. Brantingham, Nonlinear patterns in urban crime - Hotspots, bifurcations, and suppression. SIAM Journal of Applied Dynamical Systems (SIADS) 9(2):462-483. (pdf) 9885 downloads.
2010. Short, M. B., P. J. Brantingham, A. L. Bertozzi and G. E.Tita. Dissipation and Displacement of Hotspots in Reaction-Diffusion Models of Crime. PNAS. 107:3961-3965. (pdf) 19788 downloads.
2010. P.A. Jones, P.J. Brantingham and L.R. Chayes. Statistical models of criminal behavior: The effects of law enforcement actions. M3AS 20 (Supplement): 1387-1423. (pdf) 51594 downloads.
2010. P.J. Brantingham review of “The Paleolithic Settlement of Asia” by Robin Dennell 2009, in Geoarchaeology 25(5): 668-670. (pdf) 8736 downloads.
2010. Brantingham, P.J. The Mathematics of Chaînes Opératoires. In New Perspectives on Old Stones: Analytical Approaches to Palaeolithic Technologies, edited by Stephen J. Lycett and Parth R. Chauhan, pp. 183-206. New York, Springer Press. (pdf) 11597 downloads.
2010. Rhode, D., H. Ma, D. B. Madsen, P. J. Brantingham, S. L. Forman and J. W. Olsen. Paleoenvironmental and Archaeological Investigations at Qinghai Lake, Western China: Geomorphic and Chronometric Evidence of Lake Level History. Quaternary International 218:29-44. (pdf) 18310 downloads.
2009. Surovell, T. A., J. Finley, G. M. Smith, P. J. Brantingham and R. L. Kelly. Correcting Temporal Frequency Distributions for Taphonomic Bias. Journal of Archaeological Science. 36:1715-1734. (pdf) 14487 downloads.
2009. Short, M. B., M. R. D'Orsogna, P. J. Brantingham and G. Tita. Measuring and modeling repeat and near-repeat burglary effects. Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 25:325-339. (pdf) 13138 downloads.
2008. Short, M.B., M.R. D'Orsogna, V.B. Pasour, G.E. Tita, P.J. Brantingham, A.L. Bertozzi and L.B. Chayes. A Statistical Model of Criminal Behavior. M3AS: Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences 18 (suppl): 1249-1267. (pdf) 30775 downloads.
2008. Brantingham, P.J. and G. Tita. Offender Mobility and Crime Pattern Formation from First Principles. In Artificial Crime Analysis Systems: Using Computer Simulations and Geographic Information Systems, edite by L. Liu and J. Eck. pp. 193-208. Hershey, PA: Idea Press. (pdf) 34422 downloads.
2008. Madsen, D.B., H.Z. Ma, D. Rhode, P.J. Brantingham, S.L. Forman. Age Constraints on the Late Quaternary Evolution of Qinghai Lake, Tibetan Plateau. Quaternary Research. 69: 316-325. (pdf) 14292 downloads.
2007. Brantingham, P.J., T.A. Surovell and N.M. Waguespack. Modeling Post-depositional mixing of Archaeological Deposits. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology. 26:517-540. (pdf) 28521 downloads.
2007. Surovell, T. A. and P.J. Brantingham. A Note on the Use of Temporal Frequency Distributions in Studies of Prehistoric Demography. Journal of Archaeological Science 34: 1868-1877. (pdf) 11849 downloads.
2007. Brantingham, P.J. A Unified Evolutionary Model of Style and Function Based on the Price Equation. American Antiquity. 72:395-416. (pdf) 13282 downloads.
2007. Barton, L.W., P.J. Brantingham and D.X. Ji. Late Pleistocene Climate Change and Paleolithic Cultural Evolution in Northern China: Implications from the Last Glacial Maximum. In Late Quaternary Climate Change and Human Adaptation in Arid China edited by David B. Madsen, Chen Fahu and Gao Xing, pp. 105-128. Developments in Quaternary Science. Amsterdam: Elsevier. (pdf) 70489 downloads.
2007. Brantingham, P.J., X. Gao, J.W. Olsen, H.Z. Ma, D. Rhode, H.Y. Zhang, and D.B. Madsen. A Short Chronology for the Peopling of the Tibetan Plateau. In Late Quaternary Climate Change and Human Adaptation in Arid China, edited by David B. Madsen, Chen Fahu and Gao Xing, pp. 129-150. Developments in Quaternary Science. Amsterdam: Elsevier. (pdf) 23163 downloads.
2007. Rhode,D., D.B. Madsen, P.J. Brantingham, Tsultrim Dargye. Yaks, Yak Dung and Prehistoric Human Occupation of the Tibetan Plateau. In Late Quaternary Climate Change and Human Adaptation in Arid China, edited by David B. Madsen, Chen Fahu and Gao Xing, pp. 205-226. Developments in Quaternary Science. Amsterdam: Elsevier. (pdf) 22423 downloads.
2007. Rhode, D.E., H.Y. Zhang, D.B. Madsen, X. Gao, P.J. Brantingham, H.Z. Ma, J.W. Olsen. Epipaleolithic/Early Neolithic Settlements at Qinghai Lake, western China. Journal of Archaeological Science. (pdf) 32830 downloads.
2006. Brantigham, J., and X. Gao. Peopling of the Northern Tibetan Plateau. World Archaeology 38:387-414. (pdf) 17724 downloads.
2006. Brantingham, P.J. Measuring Forager Mobility. Current Anthropology. 47(3):435-459. (pdf) 16544 downloads.
2006. Madsen, D.B., H.Z. Ma, P.J. Brantingham, X. Gao, D. Rhode, H.Y. Zhang, J.W. Olsen. The Late Upper Paleolithic Occupation of the Northern Tibetan Plateau Margin. Journal of Archaeological Science. 33:1433-1444. (pdf) 20314 downloads.
2005. Surovell, T., N. Waguespack and P. J. Brantingham. "Global archaeological evidence for proboscidean overkill." PNAS: 102: 6231-6236. (pdf) 8782 downloads.
2004. A.I. Krivoshapkin and P.J. Brantingham. "The Lithic Industry of Obi-Rakhmat Grotto, Uzbekistan." In Actes du XIV Congres UISPP, 2-8 septembre 2001. BAR International series 1240. pp. 203-214. Liege: Universite de Liege. (pdf) 22616 downloads.
2004. P. Jeffrey Brantingham, Kristopher W. Kerry, Andrei I. Krivoshapkin and Yaroslav V. Kuzmin. “Time-Space Dynamics in the Early Upper Paleolithic of Northeast Asia.” In David B. Madsen (ed.) Entering America: Northeast Asia and Beringia Before the Last Glacial Maximum. pp. 255-283. Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press. (pdf) 8923 downloads.
2004. P. Jeffrey Brantingham, Steven L. Kuhn and Kristopher W. Kerry (eds.) The Early Upper Paleolithic Beyond Western Europe. Berkeley: University of California Press (see the press release).
2004. P. Jeffrey Brantingham, Steven L. Kuhn and Kristoper W. Kerry. “The Early Upper Paleolithic and Modern Human Behavior.” In P.J. Brantingham, S.L. Kuhn and K.W. Kerry (eds.) The Early Upper Paleolithic Beyond Western Europe. pp. 242-248. Berkeley: University of California Press. (pdf) 8182 downloads.
2004. Anatoly P. Derevianko, P.Jeffrey Brantingham, John W. Olsen, and D. Tseveendorj. “Initial Upper Paleolithic Blade Industries from the North-Central Gobi Desert, Mongolia. In P.J. Brantingham, S.L. Kuhn and K.W. Kerry (eds.) The Early Upper Paleolithic Beyond Western Europe. pp. 207-222. Berkeley: University of California Press. (pdf) 8709 downloads.
2004. P. Jeffrey Brantingham, Gao Xing, David B. Madsen, Robert L. Bettinger and Robert G. Elston “The Initial Upper Paleolithic at Shuidonggou, Northwestern China”. In P.J. Brantingham, S.L. Kuhn and K.W. Kerry (eds.) The Early Upper Paleolithic Beyond Western Europe. pp. 223-241. Berkeley: University of California Press. (pdf) 8563 downloads.
2004. P. Jeffrey Brantingham, Steven L. Kuhn and Krisopher W. Kerry. "On the difficulty of the Middle-Upper Paleolithic Transitions." In P.J. Brantingham, S.L. Kuhn and K.W. Kerry (eds.) The Early Upper Paleolithic Beyond Western Europe. pp. 1-13. Berkeley: University of California Press. (pdf) 8407 downloads.
2003. P. Jeffrey Brantingham. "A Neutral Model of Stone Raw Material Procurement." American Antiquity 68(3): 487-509. (pdf) 26785 downloads.
2003. P. Jeffrey Brantingham, Ma Haizhou, John W. Olsen, Gao Xing, David B. Madsen, David E. Rhode. “Speculation on the timing and nature of Late Pleistocene hunter-gatherer colonization of the Tibetan Plateau.” Chinese Science Bulletin 48:1510-1516. (pdf) 9949 downloads.
2003. D.B. Madsen, Chen Fahu, C.G. Oviatt, Zhu Yan, P.J. Brantingham, R.G. Elston and R.L. Bettinger
Late Pleistocene/Holocene wetland events recorded in Tengger Desert lake sediments, NW China. Chinese Science Bulletin 48:1423-1428. (pdf) 12747 downloads.
2003. D. Rhode, D.B. Madsen, P.J. Brantingham and T. Goebel. "Human occupation of the Beringian 'Mammoth Steppe': starved for fuel or dung-burner's paradise?" Current Research in the Pleistocene 20: 68-70. (pdf) 8771 downloads.
2002. Gao Xing, Li Jingzen, David B. Madsen, P. Jeffrey Brantingham, Robert G. Elston, and Robert L. Bettinger. 2002. "New 14C dates for Shuidonggou and Related Discussions." Acta Anthropologica Sinica (Ren Lei Xue Xue Bao) 21: 211-218. (in Chinese). (pdf) 8491 downloads.
2002. Robert G. Elston and P. Jeffrey Brantingham. “Microlithic Technology in Northeast Asia: A Risk Minimizing Strategy of the Late Paleolithic and Early Holocene. In R.G. Elston and S.L. Kuhn (eds). Thinking Small: Global Perspectives on Microlithization. pp. 103-116. Archaeological Papers of the American Anthropological Association Number 12. (pdf) 13781 downloads.
2001. P. Jeffrey Brantingham review of "Aurignacian Lithic Economy: Ecological Perspectives from Southwestern France" by Brooke S. Blades. Journal of Field Archaeology 28: 211-214. (pdf) 10521 downloads.
2001. David B. Madsen, Li Jinzeng, P. Jeffrey Brantingham, Gao Xing, Robert G. Elston and Robert L. Bettinger. “Dating Shuidonggou and the Upper Paleolithic Blade Industry in North China.” Antiquity 75: 706-716. (pdf) 9319 downloads.
2001. P. Jeffrey Brantingham, Andrei I. Krivoshapkin, Li Jinzeng and Ya. Tserendagva “The Initial Upper Paleolithic in Northeast Asia.” Current Anthropology 42: 735-747. (pdf) 19453 downloads.
2001. P. Jeffrey Brantingham and Steven L. Kuhn. “Constraints on Levallois Core Technology: A Mathematical Model.” Journal of Archaeological Science 28:747-761. (pdf) 17614 downloads.
2001. P. Jeffrey Brantingham, John W. Olsen and George B. Schaller. “Lithic Assemblages from the Chang Tang Region, Northern Tibet.” Antiquity 75:319-327. (pdf) 8873 downloads.
2001. Goro Komatsu, P. Jeffrey Brantingham, John W. Olsen and Victor R. Baker. “Paleoshoreline geomorphology of Boon Tsagaan Nuur-Tsagaan Nuur system and Orog Nuur: The Valley of Lakes, Mongolia.” Geomorphology 39(3-4): 83-98. (pdf) 18249 downloads.
2001. Vasily N. Zenin, Johannes van der Plicht, Lyobov A. Orlova, Yaroslav V. Kuzmin, and P. Jeffrey Brantingham. “Geoarchaeology of the Shestakovo Upper Paleoithic site, Western Siberia: Human-Mammoth interaction during the Last Glacial Maximum” Current Research in the Pleistocene 17: 142-144
2000. A.P. Derevianko, J.W. Olsen, D. Tseveendorj, A.I. Krivoshapkin, V.T. Petrin, and P.J. Brantingham. “The Stratified Cave Site of Tsagaan Agui in the Gobi Altai (Mongolia).” Archaeology, Ethnology & Anthropology of Eurasia 1: 23-36. (pdf) 16609 downloads.
2000. P. Jeffrey Brantingham, John W. Olsen, J.A. Rech and Andrei I. Krivoshapkin, “Raw Material Quality and Prepared Core Technologies in Northeast Asia.” Journal of Archaeological Science 27(3): 255-271. (pdf) 30692 downloads.
1999. P. Jeffrey Brantingham. Astride the Movius Line: Late Pleistocene Lithic Technological Variabililty in Northeast Asia. Ph.D Dissertation. Tucson: University of Arizona.
1998. David B. Madsen, Li Jingzen, Robert G. Elston Xu Cheng, Robert L. Bettinger, Geng Kan, P. Jeff Brantingham and Zhong Kan. “The Loess/Paleosol Record and the Nature of the Younger Dryas Climate in Central China.” Geoarchaeology 13(8):847-869. (pdf) 15730 downloads.
1998. P. Jeffrey Brantingham, “Hominid-Carnivore Coevolution and Invasion of the Predatory Guild.” Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 17(4): 327-353. (pdf) 14106 downloads.
1998. P. Jeffrey Brantingham, “Mobility, Competition and Plio-Pleistocene Hominid Foraging Groups.” Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory 5(1): 57-98. (pdf) 13732 downloads.
1998. A.P. Derevianko, J.W. Olsen, D. Tseveendorj, V.T. Petrin, A.N. Zenin, A.I. Krivoshapkin, R.W. Reeves, V.P. Mylnikov, S.V. Nikolaev, B. Gunchinsuren, Ya. Tserendagva, P.J. Brantingham and J.A. Rech, “Archaeological Studies Carried Out by the Joint Russian-Mongolian-American Expedition in Mongolia in 1996.” Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Branch, Novosibirsk.
1997. Robert G. Elston, Xu Cheng, David B. Madsen, Zhong Kan, Robert L. Bettinger, Li Jingzen, Paul J. Brantingham, Wang Huiming, and Yu Jun. “New dates for the North Chinese Mesolithic.” Antiquity 71:985-993. (pdf) 11792 downloads.
1996. J. Brantingham, B. Gunchinsuren, A.N. Zenin, A.I. Krivoshapkin and Ya.Tserendagva, “Mongol-Oros-Amerikii Arkheologii Khamtarsan Ekspeditsiin 1995 Ond Mognold Yvuulsan Sudalgaa (Tovchlol).” In A.P. Derevianko, J.W. Olsen and D. Tsevendorj (eds.) Archaeological Studies Carried out by the Joint Russian-Mongolian-American Expedition in Mongolia in 1995, Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Branch, Novosibirsk.